Player #211 - Terry Newland

Entry #2073 (division B)
 Machine Score  Rank   Points 
 Corvette 32,877,280 144 
 Dirty Harry 409,760,710 29  59 
 Creature from the Black Lagoon 75,900,010 71  17 
 Fish Tales 266,587,440 79 
 Dracula 70,441,190 35  53 
 Total 208 

Entry #2165 (division B)
 Machine Score  Rank   Points 
 Corvette 268,805,910 79 
 Dirty Harry 790,777,260 83 
 Creature from the Black Lagoon 178,508,390 20  68 
 Fish Tales 94,977,840 38  50 
 Dracula 26,651,990 82 
 Total 216 

Entry #2510 (division B)
 Machine Score  Rank   Points 
 Dracula 13,227,410 120 
 Fish Tales 449,730,100 83 
 Creature from the Black Lagoon 72,902,940 77  11 
 Dirty Harry 680,291,630 10  78 
 Corvette 895,691,730 13  75 
 Total 247 

This listing does not reflect voided entries, or entries played in any lower division (for players who moved up).

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