Player #177 - Russell Wallis

Entry #1031 (division A)
 Machine Score  Rank   Points 
 Tales of the Arabian Nights 4,305,860 71  17 
 Monster Bash 32,470,680 55  33 
 Theatre of Magic 248,955,480 101 
 Addams Family 26,881,030 101 
 Dr Who 10,650,750 100 
 Total 50 

Entry #1037 (division A)
 Machine Score  Rank   Points 
 Addams Family 41,288,520 88 
 Judge Dredd 105,683,330 78  10 
 Monster Bash 23,991,090 72  16 
 Tales of the Arabian Nights 973,870 112 
 Theatre of Magic 124,391,090 116 
 Total 26 

This listing does not reflect voided entries, or entries played in any lower division (for players who moved up).

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